I imagine thinking about what lays between the keys of your keyboard send shivers down your spine. I mean, just imagine, whole nations of bacteria working on devouring the dead skin cells that you left behind. Was that descriptive enough? Yeah, probably that image was the one the guys from ThinkGeek had in mind when they developed the USB Digital Microscope. So from now on you can observe the little world you have created inside your keyboard specifically and everywhere around you in general.
You just have to connect the USB Digital Microscope to any USB slot in your computer. After that install the software available for the device and all the things you target its lens toward will appear enlarged on the screen of the computer. While doing that the gadget is able to take photos or record movies of the targeted objects. The lens is able to enlarge the objects with up to 200x. You can also move the device so that you can get closer to things or enlarge those that are further away from you.
Those of you who have a hobby out of things like forensics, inspection or jewelry quality this is the perfect gadget. While you magnify, the targeted object is lit up with four LEDs. The photos that the microscope can take have a resolution of 1024 x 768. You can buy the device for only 180$.
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